Tuesday, December 4, 2012

My Grand Design 04

After what felt like decades, my garage work space is finally in a state where I can start using it. As you can see from the photos, the new bench is working well and already getting cluttered with all  manner of crap.

I'm also glad to report that my hydraulic table lift is doing its job optimizing floor space. So, although the Santa Fe is a tight fit, there is a surprising amount of space to walk around even when its in side the garage.

Once again this is what I was aiming for ...

... Not bad eh?

So horray for me, then. Now to balance out this garage-related swill (this is supposed to be a motorcycle-based blog after all) here is some Brembo and Ohlins hyper-porn.

1 comment:

  1. Outstanding Garage you have there! Loving the Ohlins & Brembo's
