Saturday, October 30, 2010


WAAAaaaaah! The rebuild has started!

*crowd goes wild*

So today, my bike buddy drops by on his R1 and together we hang in the garage and works on our bikes. While he's installing a temporal bone shattering alarm system into his baby, I'm disassembling the sub frame.

Under the seat the battery box lies shockingly dusty

Almost got the sub frame off. On a side note I wonder when tails this high will become fashionable.

With the sub frame off, doesn't this bike look like a Harley? Only unlike a Harley, *insert crack at crappy American automobiles*

Please ladies, control your primitive urges.

R1 buddy trying to steal my bike... Caught red handed Chinaman!

Intake ports and crankcase breather all stuffed up with shop towels. I love shop towels.

So far so good. Stay tuned for more updates.

To view more pictures, go to my Photobucket Album.

Friday, October 29, 2010

First Impressions

So JimmyJonh delivered the bike and I've taken it out for three separate rides now (without a license plate, shhhhhhh). Immediately I notice a few things compared to my other ZX7, the ZX7 P8.
  1. The J2 feels smaller and more agile than the P8
  2. The J2 has more torque down low
  3. The throttle response seems to be a tad sharper
So why does this 1992 bike feel objectively better than my 2003? Well to be fair, the J2 has been through several owners and god knows whats been done to it. Off the bat I can see that it's got an after market D&D exhaust which may suggest changes in jetting but I won't know until I rip the carbs out. My P8 on the other hand is completely factory stock.

Of course it's not all rainbows and hop scotch, theres quite a few serious problems with the bike too.
  1. Top of the list: Severe engine knocking. For a high-revving sports bike with 60,000 kms on it I guess this was inevitable. I just hope its something small like valves clicking.
  2. The forks feel completely shot ... like they're dry. Budgeting for a valve kit and rebuild.
  3. Steering bearings are notched which is a common problem with these bikes from what I understand.
  4. Exhaust headers and mid-pipe are quite rusted. They're still solid but a stainless after market kit couldn't hurt
  5. I put new fluids in as soon as I got the bike (oil, gas, brake fluid etc.). The old stuff that came out of the bike was some of the most disgusting substances I've ever been physically exposed to, indicating some level of neglect from the previous owners. Of course this isn't a problem in itself but it's not comforting to say the least
So thats a basic breakdown of the bike's current condition. The next step is to tear it down, clean each piece, fix what needs to be fixed, and slap it back together. A new coat of paint and powder may be in order too depending on how rich I feel.

What?! No pictures?!?! Tyrant!!!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

First Glimpse

So I've been in touch with Jimbob (not his real name) for a while now about buying up his beautiful, and very reasonably priced ZX7 J2. On October 21, 2010 we work out a deal and today, Jimbob sends me some close-ups pictures of the bike.

Jimbob lives quite a distance away and has kindly volunteered to drive the bike to me so I don't have to make the journey. Having already made the decision to gut the bike and build it from the ground up, I agree to buy the bike based on inspecting some pictures... this is what every 'how to buy a used motorcycle' guide tells you NOT to do, but what do they know :p

So anyways, from what I can gather from the pictures, Jimbob's bike is fairly clean considering its almost 20 (thats like 100 in bike years). I expect there will be things that need to be replaced and other surprises along the way... but surely thats all a part of the fun (words I'm sure I'll eat in less than six months).

With just about 60,000kms the clocks and cockpit are still mighty sharp

Huzza! The headlights work! She's ALIVE!!

A handsome mug shot reveals an alarming gap between the front fairings and the headlamps.

Side fairings are looking foonkay like a moonkay ...

... Aww crap who took my blue sticker??!!

Whats sexier than exposed metal? Nothing! Well some things...

Who's got color matched seats? I've got color matched seats (or rather, I will very soon)

The tank is looking very clean indeed. Usually on a bike this old the paint is scratched to shit from regular vigorous humping. Thats right. Vigorous Humping.

Can't wait to scratch this bitch up... Don't judge me. DON'T JUDGE ME!

Similar to the headlights, there seems to be an alarmingly large gap between the tail light and the tail plastics

Wheels and rotors look good, but from what I've read the four pot Tokico calipers gotta go

After having seen these pictures, I can't wait for Jimbob to drop the bike off. Once its in my grubby little hands, the first order of business is to take it for a spin and have a professional look at it.

For a complete gallery of these pictures, go to my Photobucket Album.