Monday, September 24, 2012

Second Annual Port Sydney Cruise

There's no getting around the fact that the riding season in Canada is rapidly drawing to a close. It seems just a few weeks ago that people were running around in shorts and then overnight everyone put on their adult pants and sweaters.

What's worse this year has been particularly dissapointing in terms of riding. Between two 'crashes' and various other real life engagements, I don't think I put any more than 3000Kms on my bike this year! Shameful!

With the winter chills drawing nearer every day, some local bikers decided to go on one last hurrah before tucking the bikes away for winter:

Ricky ...

... Georgy ...

... and me

Early in the morning on Friday, the three of us ditched work, saddled up and made a bee line for Port Sydney (where I originally bought my N1). While Port Sydney was right in the middle of cottage country, the roads, scenery, traffic sparsity, and lack of police were second to none in Southern Ontario. So quite worth the 2 hour ride to get there then.

For this trip, George brought along some very cool dash cams for us to capture all the action. If your ever in need of high quality, compact, purpose built action cam recording devices then look no further than George's Mobicam shop! Especailly if your in the GTA! No one else can match the quality for the price like Mobicam so drop him a line.

George had a camera mounted on the front of this R1 ...

... as well as the rear

Ricky had a tail mounted camera

I had a tank mounted camera

All cameras come with these strong-ass suction cup grips. They survived the battering winds of 401 without even breaking a sweat! AND they're fully adjustable to boot! Sweet!

After we were done noise polluting, we pulled into the quiet little town of Huntsville for a burger

Huntsville parking lot

Quiet burger joint on the lake :)

3 Basic Burgers please!

The seagulls begin to swarm!
One in a million lucky shot by George

Stomachs topped up and ready to head home

Stay tuned for dash cam footage! It's gonna be SWEEEeeett!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

My Wallet Has Been Declared a Disaster Zone

The month of August has not been kind to the well-being of my ravaged wallet. Approximately 60 Queeen Elizabeth's were lost in the chaos from which rose the zenith of bike blingage:

Ohlins, baby! The original gold!

I had finally taken the plunge on a very reasonably priced set of FG352 R&T forks. These forks were originally designed for the second generation ZX10 (2005-2006). Today in the chilly sun of an early September morning, the UPS Guy arrived with my boxes.

Boxes arrived with the UPS Guy this morning

Hmm... there is a set of triple clamps in there if you look hard enough

Top of the original Ohlins box

Ooooo so shiny!

All my stuff

All my stuff fig. 2

I'll take some more sexy pics tomorrow when its not 3:00am and I'm not passing out on the sofa.

Monday, September 10, 2012

I'm Not Jealous

Back in July, during my daily forage through google for a ZX7 superbike spec swingarm I stumble across this beauty, a YZF-R1 superbike spec swingarm made by Harris. I Immediately presented this rare opportunity to R1 Buddy and convinced him to exchange some of his prized collection of Robert Bordens for this exquisite piece of racing hardware (although he didn't need much convincing if I'm honest).

Can hardly believe there's a Harris swingarm sitting in my garage :) Too bad it's not for my bike ...

Harris is among the world's top craftsmen when it comes to making trick bits for bikes and selling them at eye-watering prices. Next to shit customer service, their swingarms are probably what they're best known for; hand welded pieces of art they are, yes sir.

One thing you might have noticed (as did R1 Buddy and I) is that the beautifully crafted aluminum is draped in a stupid veil of glossy powder coating. Something had to be done.

R1 Buddy working hard with Permatex gasket remover and a scraper

Gasket remover and scrapper followed up with soda blasting eventually worked out brilliantly! Ladies and gentlemen, feast your eyes! Oh, did I mention he also got a AP Racing caliper with the swingarm?

Damn you R1 Buddy, damn you.