Saturday, May 19, 2012

Tip - Restoring Rubber Gaskets

Everyone who spends enough time messing with older bikes (and even newer ones) will eventually encounter either a swollen or dried up gasket/o-ring/diaphram. More often than not these bastards can be MASSIVELY expensive to replace. So before you bend over for your favourite parts distributor, have a go at restoring the rubber yourself.

Swollen rubber can be shrunk by applying heat. Using either a hair dryer or heat gun on the bloated rubber should produce results after as little as 10 seconds. Don't over do it; you don't want the rubber to shrink too much.

Swollen float bowl gasket
Apply heat :)

Shrunken rubber can be expanded again by dunking them in carb cleaner or throttle body cleaner for a minute or two. Once again, don't over do it or you'll have to break out the hair dryer again.

Float bowl gasket too small now
Add some carb cleaner or throttle body cleaner
Submerge gasket for a minute or two

As long as the gasket/o-ring/diaphram isn't torn, or cracked you stand a good chance at restoring it for whatever it was intended for.

Perfect fit!


  1. Nice step by steps have been provided. Good to see in images and learn. It makes much more easier to understand. Can anyone keep updates on this???

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  2. I read you post. thanks for sharing step by step information regarding Rubber Gasket. I really appreciate for that. We also provide rubber gasket with quality based. Please visit our website: Rubber Gaskets

  3. Wow thanks for sharing this useful tips I have been searching for this tips for a very long period of days and I got it atlast so am going to implement it and see in my industry.

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    Spiral wound Gasket

    Flange Insulation gaskets

  4. How long will reselling a rubber gasket last on a fuel float bowl ?
