Everyone who spends enough time messing with older bikes (and even newer ones) will eventually encounter either a swollen or dried up gasket/o-ring/diaphram. More often than not these bastards can be MASSIVELY expensive to replace. So before you bend over for your favourite parts distributor, have a go at restoring the rubber yourself.
Swollen rubber can be shrunk by applying heat. Using either a hair dryer or heat gun on the bloated rubber should produce results after as little as 10 seconds. Don't over do it; you don't want the rubber to shrink too much.
Swollen float bowl gasket |
Apply heat :) |
Shrunken rubber can be expanded again by dunking them in carb cleaner or throttle body cleaner for a minute or two. Once again, don't over do it or you'll have to break out the hair dryer again.
Float bowl gasket too small now |
Add some carb cleaner or throttle body cleaner |
Submerge gasket for a minute or two |
As long as the gasket/o-ring/diaphram isn't torn, or cracked you stand a good chance at restoring it for whatever it was intended for.
Perfect fit! |