Saturday, February 19, 2011

Measuring up?

Not much has been happening in the last few months. With a pretty cold winter and no heat source in the garage, I've pretty much chickened out and opted to do some work on the house instead of the bike. Lately I've been trying to measure the crankshaft without much luck.

I went down to Canadian tire and bought myself a mastercraft micrometer for $30 bucks. BIG MISTAKE. The tool is consistently inconsistent. I get results anywhere between 0.001" over or under the manual specs. Doesn't sound like much but a difference of 0.0003" determines which type of main bearings I should be ordering.

Piece of crap.

I'm starting to think it might make more sense to get the lower half of my crank case professionally rebuilt.... I figure 1-2 hours of labor should do it.