Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Been a while

I continue to disassemble my engine.

After removing the clutch and friction plates, removing this nut was a pain in the ass...

... I go all the way across town to borrow an air compressor from R1 buddy only to find that it doesn't have enough power to turn the impact wrench. BLAST!

So I end up taking the bloody hunk to my mechanic and he blast the nut off in 2 seconds flat. While I was there, he took the sprocket nut off too.

With the nut off, the clutch basket came out easily

A shot of whats behind the clutch basket

Next, I removed the oil pan and strainer ....

... where I discover fine dust which is all that is left of the broken cam chain guide when I first opened the cam cover

Heres a random shot of my cay hiding under my fairings

For more pictures refer to my photobucket albums here and here.